Monday, June 16, 2008

Support Letter

Friends and Family,
In August of 2007, I began what was to be a one year internship with the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission. My responsibilities during that internship were to be helping with the planning and implementation of the day-to-day operations of the Chalet Orphanage. In the two months that I participated in that internship, God opened a new door for me, one in which I can utilize even more of my particular gifts. I have been offered and have accepted the position of the Assistant to the Executive Director/Haiti Office Manager. As the Assistant to the Executive Director my job duties will be to help Janeil keep up on everything going on, i.e. communicating with Haitians and Americans working with and for the mission and staying ahead of emails he receives. As the Haiti Office Manager I will be responsible for assisting Jody, Jose, and Heather with all the things they do on campus on a daily basis to keep things running, and be the go-to guy for the Americans that come in to work with the mission as well as the Haitians that work with and for the mission. I feel that God has gifted me with organizational skills and with interpersonal skills, both of which I am able to utilize in this job.
I am very excited to be taking this step and am unsure how long God will use me in this capacity. Since I will be working for the mission now I will be in Haiti 9 or 10 months out of the year, returning to the states 2 or 3 times each year. With that in mind, I am asking you to pray fully consider partnering with me in this work. I am asking for your support, both financially and in prayer. In order for me to be able to do this work here in Haiti, my monthly financial support need will be $2200.
In order to keep my supporters updated on our work here, I will be providing regular email updates. If you would like to be in my email list, please send me an email requesting and update to For those of you who received this via email, you are already on my update list. There are several websites that you can access which will also keep you updated on our work here in Haiti; is my site. The links to the websites of Northwest Haiti Christian Mission and the other people laboring for Christ here in Haiti are there as well.
I would like to thank everyone in advance who supports me by prayer or financially. I am looking forward to serving the Lord by helping the Haitians work towards a better life now and for eternity.
**Oh, and by the way, as you can see from the picture at the top, I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO VISIT!!!!

Help Matthew Sereno serve in Haiti:
I want to partner with you in your ministry by:
Praying daily weekly monthly (specific prayer needs are financial stability of the mission, health and safety of all the Haitians and Americans working here on a day-to-day basis, patience and humility for me, being able to bridge the language gap.
Giving financially weekly monthly; in the amount of$
Giving this special one-time gift of $
Please send me information:
Weekly by email
Send support to: Northwest Haiti Christian Mission
P O Box 829
Versailles, KY 40383
1-502-695-7870 – KY Office
1-859-400-0481 – Haiti Office

Street City
State Zip
***when sending checks to the office please do not put my name on the memo line, instead include a note with the check. IRS regulations
***you can also donate online at, just click on make a donation and go to the “make a general donation” tab and be sure to make sure you put my name in the comment section.

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