Friday, January 25, 2008

Monday, January 14, 2008

Today the group is supposed to show up so after a very long night of broken sleep, I got up and took a shower ready for the last day of laundry, cleaning, and organizing before they get here. With the ladies generous help we finished everything we needed to do an hour before the group arrived. To our surprise only about a dozen people out of 40 showed up and we found out why that was after they got settled and we all sat down. Apparently the plane that was supposed to bring them to Port-de-Paix got a flat tire in and when they got it changed and tried to take off again the landing gear would not retract all the way. So the rest of the group had to spend the night in Port-au-Prince while they attempted to fix the plane. Not being able to help them, we just got the people that were here something to eat and all situated in their sleeping locations and then met for dinner and devotions. After devotions we kind of hung out for a little and then the luggage arrived so I went downtown with some of the Haitian guys to pick it up. There were A LOT of bags. It is how much stuff one group brings. After that it was just about time for bed so I relaxed for a little while and then went to bed. Peace.


Sinclair said...
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Sinclair said...

You look completely different with that beard gone. I hardly recognized you. I am so glad that your still in Haiti do God's work. I can't wait to get back and help! Thank you very much for the update. -Sinclair

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