Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008

So today, there were no groups here and I got up to go to church and never made it there because I got the wonderful pleasure of babysitting Josiah. So we had some breakfast and walked all over the place and played a lot. After church, we did more laundry and cleaning to get ready for the group which was supposed to be showing up Monday. So today was just the full timers and Glenna and Linda, so we just kind of relaxed most of the day playing with the children and babies and doing a little organizing and whatnot until it was time for dinner which was wonderfully prepared by the ladies. I try to keep out of the way when the cooking is happening because I am not a very good cook at all. After dinner everyone turned in early because there was nothing really to do and it was still a little cold and gross. Talk to you later. Peace.

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