Thursday, September 11, 2008

Back in Haiti

So, I got to the Philadelphia international Airport and to my gate by like 530 in the morning August and who do I run into, but someone wearing a Northwest Haiti Christian Mission shirt.  I was like, "wait a minute," thats weird.  However, it was Maureen Moore, so it was not all weird.  It was actually pretty cool to be traveling "with" someone even though we were not together on the flights.  Passes the time in the airports a little better though and just gives you a sense of calmness(not sure if that is a word).   After several flights and a lot of waiting, we arrived at the mission to be greeted by more Americans than I expected and ALOT of excited Haitians, staff and non-staff and of course 5 dogs.  Good times.  It was so cool to see all the faces of my friends, that I hadn't seen since May, get so excited that I was back.   I almost did not know what to do with myself, because there were soooo many people shouting things at me in Creole (which I don't speak very well) that I tried to get the driver to take me back to the airport ;).  Just kidding.  It was cool to find that I actually understood and spoke better Creole when I got back than I did when I left.  I am not sure how that happened since I did not study it for 2 months.  Oh well, must have been a God thing. 

I spent the next couple of days just getting an idea of what took place while I was gone and what needed to be done before a group got here or just in general as far as up keep.  Fortunately, Moleon was here and he gave me the run down on mostly everything that happened over the summer.   I am telling you what, if it wasn't for Moleon, I would not be able to do my job very well.  That man busts his tale for me and he loves to do his job, its quite a testimony.    We spent A LONG time staring at a depot of ALOT OF RANDOM STUFF.   It was a lot of fun to organize it though, cause we found some pretty interesting things in the process and found some new solutions to some old problems.   I mean, you would not believe the amount of stuff that we had in the dining hall for like weeks and weeks.   It was insane.  

I had several great work days, with some of the guys I got to be good friends with in the spring , and we got the campus looking pretty good for upcoming visitors.   



I was not ready for that to happen yet.  However for the most part they were not that bad because all but 2 were medical, which made them really easy.  One of the other 2 was from Canada, which means it was Ensure and Glucerna, etc for the feeding programs, and A BUNCH of clothes that I am getting ready to organize to give out to some of our branch locations.   The other of the 2 non-medical was a delivery from the "Feed my Starving Children" organization.  For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, here is the 411.

We got hooked up with this organization and what they provide are these vacuum sealed packets of pre-made meals (rice, veges, etc.) that when cooked provide 6 servings (or 6 meals) and we got soooo many of them, it is really exciting.  We are going to be looking into organizing feeding programs, as part of a disaster relief drive, in the very near future.  Look for more on that later and, to the best of my ability, more constant updates. 

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