Monday, December 31, 2007

Monday, December 31, 2007

Today I did not do a whole lot of everything because I spent the entire night throwing up and with real bad diarrhea. So after I got up to make sure the laundry was taken care of, Maureen gave me some medicine and I slept until 1230, got up and made some popcorn for a VBS program and then went back to bed until 530. I felt better so I took a shower and hung out in the dining hall with everyone until it was time for dinner. When everyone went over to the nutrition cafeteria for the hot dog roast and smores I stayed back and made popcorn for everyone to snack on during the New Years Eve talent show. The talent show started at 730 and went until about 10. At 1015 everyone moved to one of the many roves and watched the fireworks being set off from the roof of the church. After that those who wanted to stay up hung out in the dining hall and watch the New Years Eve party at Times Square. Happy New Year everyone. I would like apologize for the shortness of my journals but we have been so busy lately that I am just paraphrasing until I get some more time to elaborate. Peace

1 comment:

HUGS4U said...

Being that busy in Haiti is truly so wonderful for sure Matt. Short notes for us are better than nada. Bless you, Happy New Year and stay well.

Linda Rudy, CACC