Monday, December 31, 2007

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Well today is the first Sunday for me and I got to go to Chalet and see the kids because I needed to go downtown Port-de-Paix to see if a shop was open. When we got to the orphanage the children were really excited to have visitors and get to spend some time with the Americans. Church was of course a good time; we all sat upstairs with the children. After communion Rony and I went into town to try and buy some popcorn seed for Monday night. The shop was not open so we headed back to the orphanage and hung with the children until about noon. On the way back to the mission the truck got a flat tire and so we got to hang out in the middle of the road in the heat for a while, while they changed the tire. When we got back to the mission we had lunch and said goodbye to a group of 45 people who were taking a trip to Tortuga. The rest of us just kind of worked on some stuff around the mission getting ready for the busy week to come with all the eye surgeries. Sunday night a group from New York showed up and I spent some time getting acquainted with them and making them feel comfortable because most of them are first timers to Haiti. We also had to find places for them to sleep. Although we have a lot of beds and space for tents, the New York group makes 141 people staying on the mission compound. That is a lot of tents and beds and just people in general. After devotions and our meeting for Monday I was not feeling very well so I just worked on some emailing and journaling. It’s time for bed now. Peace

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